Actualités de l'Ambassade

query_builder 03-01-2017

Réception offerte par sa Majesté la Reine du Danemark
Au Corps Diplomatique à l’occasion du nouvel an 2017
Discours de la Doyenne du Corps Diplomatique
L’Ambassadeur de Côte d’Ivoire Mme Mina Marie Balde-Laurent
3 janvier 2017

Votre Majesté,
Votre Altesse Royale Le Prince Héritier,
Votre Altesse Royale La Princesse Héritière,

J’ai le très grand honneur, mais aussi l’immense responsabilité en ma qualité de Doyenne du Corps Diplomatique, de m’adresser à Votre Majesté à l’occasion du nouvel an, au nom de mes pairs Chefs de Missions Diplomatiques, accrédités dans ce beau pays, le Danemark.

Votre Majesté et la Famille Royale ont bien voulu nous recevoir à l’aune de l’année 2017, dans cette prestigieuse salle du Palais de Christiansborg, nous vous en sommes infiniment reconnaissants.

Par ma voix, le Corps Diplomatique s’honore de l’occasion solennelle que lui offre Votre Majesté pour présenter ses vœux de santé, de paix, de prospérité et de bonheur à Vous-Même Majesté, à Son Altesse Royale le Prince, à Son Altesse Royale le Prince Héritier, à Son Altesse Royale la Princesse Héritière, à l’ensemble de la famille Royale du Danemark ainsi qu’au peuple danois.

Puisse 2017 renforcer le rayonnement et la gloire de Votre Majesté et apporter paix et grandeur en Son Royaume.

The Diplomatic Corps would like to express its gratitude for the quality of Denmark’s hospitality, which proves the tradition of generosity of the Danish people. We appreciate the diligent collaboration with Your Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the quality of the diplomatic relations that Your Kingdom has with our respective countries. I would like to express to you our message of appreciation.

Your Majesty
The past year has been rich in events both on the national and international level.
Within the country, the Diplomatic Corps has had the honour of admiring on a daily basis the perfect symbiosis between Your Majesty, the Royal Family, and the people of Denmark.

Thus I have the pleasure to emphasize that Denmark, a country who loves the ideals of freedom, justice, and peace, is still ranked number one in 2016 according to the Gross National Happiness index, prepared by independent experts.

This ability to live happily certainly comes from the soul of the Danish people, but also thanks to Your Majesty’s desire to promote the well being of Your people and all those who live in this beautiful country. A country that every diplomat greatly appreciates and is sad to leave.

As stated by the first President of the Republic of Côte d’Ivoire, the late Felix HOUPHOUET-BOIGNY: "Peace is not just a word, it is a way of life."

Throughout 2016, Denmark excelled in several areas including trade, the environment, and gender issues.

Indeed, a key priority of the Danish Government was to create an effective business environment for foreign and Danish companies with a strong focus on innovation, which plays a crucial role in the creation of a competitive economy over the long term.

It is thus not surprising that Denmark is ranked among the top 10 most innovative countries.
In addition, for the fifth time in a row the Kingdom of Denmark was ranked the most well connected country in Europe as reported by Doing Business 2016 published by the World Bank, and the third country in the world for business.

At the international level Denmark has always been very concerned about environmental protection. Unfortunately, many countries still experience the harmful effects of climate change manifested by increasing sea levels, the ice melting, expanding deserts, and the high increase of temperatures throughout the world. There is thus an urgent need for countries to increase their awareness and to act vigorously.

In this context, we welcome the financial assistance provided by the Danish Government towards developing countries for the use of climate technology, referred to at the COP 22 climate summit in November in Marrakesh, Morocco.

The protection of nature must in fact be regarded as a heavy responsibility for the preservation of mankind’s heritage, and also as an opportunity to further initiatives for sustainable development.

Regarding human rights, violence against women and inequalities related to gender are still current in the world.

The 4th International Conference on the emancipation of women known as "Woman Deliver" held in Denmark made resolutions to improve the living conditions of women. As a pioneer in gender matters, the Kingdom has, through a remarkable intervention, obtained from the Bill Gates Foundation an important funding for research about the lives of women.

Votre Majesté,

Je voudrais terminer en soulignant que les Représentants des pays amis que nous sommes, conjuguerons nos efforts pour maintenir l’excellent niveau des relations de nos États avec le Royaume du Danemark. Nous apprécions le sens élevé des responsabilités internationales du Danemark et nous demeurons convaincus que le Royaume continuera de puiser dans ses riches valeurs et dans la force de ses convictions pour consolider sa réputation de pays d’humanisme et de tolérance.

Deres Majestæt
Længe leve Danmark
Godt nytår
Mange tak.

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